Tuesday, August 9, 2011

service projects

Plant flowers at a local park, nursing home, library, etc.

Sing songs at a local nursing home or hospital (doesn't have to always be at Christmas time)

Collect clothing or personal items,books,and games to and donate them to a local shelter for the homeless.

Collect used clothing and donate to Goodwill/Salvation Army (older girls could be in charge of washing/ironing/sewing on buttons, mending holes)

Make tray favors for a special occasion to donate to a local hospital or convalescent home or for Meals-on-Wheels recipients.

"Adopt" a Grandparent in your neighborhood or in a convalescent hospital.

Litter chase of local ball park/church grounds/meeting place/school grounds.

Volunteer car wash for parents in appreciation of all the driving they do.

Make small craft packages for local hospital children's ward.

Ask church/school/library etc. if your unit could plant/maintain their flowerbeds for the summer.

Collect several unused pages from coloring books and staple together.Place with a few crayons in a ziplock baggie for children who have to wait in hospital waiting rooms.

Help with trail maintenance on local hiking trails.

Put on a play for a local nursing home.

Volunteer to help with a church supper.

Make dog or cat treats for local animal shelters (make sure you check with local animal shelter first).

Make craft kits to be used by hospitalized children or adults or shelters.

Volunteer to read stories to children at your local library's "Children's Hour" or develop one if none is present.

Volunteer to work at a local campaign office.

Construct some baby and child quilts to work on and donate to local battered women and children's shelter. ( The quilts are very easy to do. A print fabric and a solid fabric with batting in between is stitched together and 'tied' every 6 to 8 inches.)

Make aprons for soup kitchen workers.

Make permanent placemats for Meals- On-Wheels clients.

Make fabric bags to be used by patients using wheel chairs or walkers to carry their 'needs'.

The Girl Scout Promise:
On my honor, I will try:
To serve God, and my country.
To help people at all times,
And to live by the Girl Scout Law.

Girl Scout Law:
I will do my best to be:

Honest and fair,
friendly and helpful,
considerate and caring,
courageous and strong,
And responsible for what I say and do,

and to

respect myself and others,
respect authority,
use resources wisely,
make the world a better place,
And be a sister to every Girl Scout.